place Via Terrenato, 10/12/18 36010 Carrè (VI) ITALY
phoneTel. +39.0445.314213
emailEmail info@generation30.com
GENERATION 3.0 S.r.l. has been doing business under this name since May 2016. The entity itself was incorporated on 30.01.2007, its legal name being Europ Trasporti S.r.l.
GENERATION 3.0 S.r.l. took over the management of a recycling facility and its assets from another enterprise which was engaged both in the processing of steel and other metals for metallurgical companies, as well as ferrous & non-ferrous scrap metal wholesale. The commercial and sales division was completely overhauled and has grown over the years so much that the company has become a benchmark and has been able to build strong, long-lasting commercial partnerships with renowned Italian and foreign steel mills.
Having partnered with suppliers all across Europe, the company is now actively engaged in the industrial, handcraft and breakage ferrous & non-ferrous waste and scrap market.